positive review  The Blade Barber is fantastic! It does a perfect job on my blades - better than most shops and rinks you go to where the 'kid' is working. The instructional video is well worth the watch!

    Tim Koss Avatar Tim Koss
    January 9, 2019

    positive review  I find this product easy to use and most importantly convenient - especially on the bench waiting for the next shift. It makes a difference!! Great job Blade Barber 😉

    Fabian Perissinotti Avatar Fabian Perissinotti
    November 24, 2018

    positive review  This is the handiest tool ever for hockey players and skaters of any type. It fits into your pocket so easily you dont even know it's there. The surprising thing is that you get a top quality sharpening tool that's as good as any drop it off sharpening shop - really. Get two as everyone will want to use yours and eventually you will " lose" yours. Coaches throw 3 or 4 of them into the team hockey bag for a fast tune up. Highly Recommended.

    Robert Bradley Avatar Robert Bradley
    September 9, 2018